sharepress plugin to fb post test.
sharepress plugin to fb post test.
do you have one of those old car battery chargers? you know, crappy metal box, big heavy transformer inside? i WANT YOUR DIODES from it. i mean, if you’re not using them of course. the V rating might be low for my 45-50V panel feeds, but the current should be sufficient. bonus: already attached to heat sink (needed when one is in shadow and the other in sun). will test 4 rolls at once soon.
so i have this thing for barometers. this is the guts to a 1949-ish taylor handheld fishing barometer, ebay score out the door under $9. bonus, it’s broken. looks like the tiny thread that’s wound as the spring counter-tension has broken off the cantilever, hanging loose off to the right. a bit small, but an easy fix, i have good tweezers, just have to find my really good old-school nylon thread that will give this lil gem another life. actually, i dont know if it’s 1949. says “copyright 1939, 1946, 1949”. safe to guess it’s older than me at least.
so, i usually leave the HF rig tuned to 14.230 during “outdoors” hours, with the SSTV software running just listening. gonna try to post a “best of the day” of what’s in the auto-box. the horizontal lines are noise/fades. this is the “goodbye”, we say “73”, to VA2PGB from W5BKV. what does “73” mean? well, as a musician, i always hear “as above, so below” when it goes by in morse code. “da dah di di dit di di dit da dah”
i’m surprised the amount of “yeah, it’s broken” that’s in here. the amount of “we have a lot of mop buckets going on, and plan to freeze the ground like a moat around a castle.” which, explains the bits they left out. it’s safe to assume that not only did all 4 suffer meltdown and inner breaches, but also that more than one reactor containment was also breached. Corium in the Basement. heres a clip of the robot they’re going to try sending in one of the cooling pipes so it can crawl around the bottom of the chamber and take some pics/temp readings.
also of note: free flu shots, injuries and deaths, they’re letting women in now, and while removing the gantry debris it fell back into the pond and all work was stopped for a bit. lucky no boom eh?
comparing solar X-ray arrivals with the spikes in core emissions is left as an exercise to the reader.