yesterday it looked like we would get some good rain from some nice cold cloud tops.

NOAA 19 northbound 86W at 16 Feb 2016 22:09:52 GMT on 137.10MHz, HVC-precip enhancement, Normal projection, Channel A: 2 (near infrared), Channel B: 4 (thermal infrared)
but last night the fronts collided into the Cali Rex Block, and we barely got 1/8″ overnight.

NOAA 18 southbound 49E at 17 Feb 2016 13:48:28 GMT on 137.9125MHz, contrast enhancement, Normal projection, Channel A: 3/3B (mid infrared), Channel B: 4 (thermal infrared)
The wind picked up to match the 15mb drop in 24hrs, and is still dropping today.
pray the second front will bring us more blessings of Rain !!!