best of SSTV

so Field Day is this weekend, and lots of only-get-on-air-once-a-year are out and tuning up on net and use frequencies.  the voice guys dont see these replies, but they hear the digital modem noise for sure…..



so here’s a pic of hurricane Blanca i caught today.  i think she wants to go to Nevada.  maybe her sisters will get a chance in the fall……

NOAA 19 at 08 Jun 2015 21:05:10 GMT

Why so Dry?


just had to share this rather obvious sat pic i took of the west-coast-bubble.  no, not the liberal cultural bubble, but the insanely resilient high pressure that’s dominated the west conus for many years now what should be only a summer seasonal.  can you see the clear high pressure bubble in this pic?



musical pictures

the ISS has been singing SSTV pictures of Yuri again.  Caught these just using the microphone and the radio turned up a little, old school “audio coupling”, with full loud stereo and shop going in background.  gotta love that error correction in the PD modes……

150412055817_PD180 150412041931_PD180 150412024349_PD180

low wire loop antenna

had to see what would happen to disguise an HF horizontal loop antenna as an animal electric fence.  center is 7.8mhz, with dips all over.  great shortwave listening.  decent 40m transmit.  just works 80m transmit.  autotunes on 20m, but no contacts yet.

hf goat loop balun

hf goat loop balun

hf goat loop antenna

hf goat loop antenna