Why so Dry?


just had to share this rather obvious sat pic i took of the west-coast-bubble.  no, not the liberal cultural bubble, but the insanely resilient high pressure that’s dominated the west conus for many years now what should be only a summer seasonal.  can you see the clear high pressure bubble in this pic?



barometer repair

so i have this thing for barometers.  this is the guts to a 1949-ish taylor handheld fishing barometer, ebay score out the door under $9.  bonus, it’s broken.  looks like the tiny thread that’s wound as the spring counter-tension has broken off the cantilever, hanging loose off to the right.  a bit small, but an easy fix, i have good tweezers, just have to find my really good old-school nylon thread that will give this lil gem another life.  actually, i dont know if it’s 1949.  says “copyright 1939, 1946, 1949”.  safe to guess it’s older than me at least.

1949 taylor fishing barometer

1949 taylor fishing barometer