so, working on a little project for a big, uhm, “shoe”, and ive been trying to find the “female third eye” representation. the male is horizontal, the female vertical. like so,
almost rain
cloning for size?
pot marigold?
sailor jellyfish
penny snail barrier success
been near a month now since installed the penny snail barrier. and so far, NO SNAILS !!!!. i also cleared out around the beds so they don’t have any easy hiding places. at night, i can see the earwigs chowing on the sunflowers, but since they also eat aphids i’m ok with them if the sunflowers are ok with them. heres closeup where something chowed on the squash that stuck out over the barrier
fuse autopsy
Snail Wars
Nguyen Duc Thang
Nguyen Duc Thang is amazing.
download the pdf catalog here.
videos here.