penny snail barrier success

been near a month now since installed the penny snail barrier.   and so far, NO SNAILS !!!!.   i also cleared out around the beds so they don’t have any easy hiding places.  at night, i can see the earwigs chowing on the sunflowers, but since they also eat aphids i’m ok with them if the sunflowers are ok with them.  heres closeup where something chowed on the squash that stuck out over the barrier





fuse autopsy

so, these are $7 or so replacement.  i guess by crushing the glass ahead of time, a serious pop the glass will still be around where the continuing arc would be.  anyone have more specifics on the white glass-like filler?  fluke dmm-11a 1000v multimeter fuse.




Snail Wars

this is the cheapest copper snail barrier i could come up with.  experiments showed snails do not like to touch pennies, so….

quick pass with the skillsaw set to 1/2 penny depth, squirt of wood glue, and lots of Abe clones.

because, f u snails.



Mystery Greens

ok, so who has a guess?  it’s 3rd season now for this plant.  it might have been brocoli once.  or cabbage.  not sure.  sprout leaves are sweetbitter raw cabbage taste, but different.  any guesses?  any harm fryin up some of the greens?  worth transplantin? need the box space for starts….

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